Long ago, human beings could only suppose that the universe was what it looked like to them. The Earth seemed to be no more than a round patch of flat ground. The sky seemed to be a dome that came down to meet the ground. The Sun and Moon traveled across the sky.
At night, there were many specks of light in the dome of the sky, and a few of them were brighter than the others and also moved. The ancient Egyptians viewed the sky as the domain of Nut, the sky goddess. According to ancient Greek myths, the god Helios drove a chariot that carried the Sun across the sky.
But later Greeks thought that the Earth was a large sphere at the center of the universe. They thought that the Moon, the Sun, and the planets all circled Earth, and that outside the orbits of these bodies were the sky and the stars.
In a time-exposure of the night sky, star trails seem to wheel across the sky. Small wonder that ancient peoples once thought Earth was the center of the universe. But in 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish philosopher, doctor, and astronomer, showed that it made more sense to suppose that the Sun was at the center and that all the planets moved around it.
In the Copernican system, Earth was just one of the planets and went around the Sun, too. Beyond that were the stars, but they weren't attached to the sky. Later, Edmund Halley found out that the stars moved as well. In 1785, William Herschel showed that most of the stars seen from Earth formed a large collection shaped like a lens. We call this collection the Milky Way Galaxy.
If we could view our Milky Way from the outside, it would look like the great galaxy in Andromeda, seen here without the aid of a telescope. The Milky Way is our galaxy. It is 100,000 light-years across. Each light -year is almost 6 trillion miles (9.5 trillion kilometers) long. There are other galaxies as well. The closest large galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is over 2 million light-years away.
Many other galaxies are scattered through space. There might be a hundred billion in all. In 1842, Christian Doppler explained why anything noisy sounds more shrill when it comes toward you, and sounds deeper when it goes away from you. A similar kind of change, or shift, happens with light. Every star sends out light waves. The light appears bluer if the star is coming toward us, and redder if it is moving away.
When light from a star or galaxy is spread out into a rainbow of color, dark lines show up indicating where light has been absorbed by that star or galaxy. The dark lines in the light of more distant galaxies are shifted toward ever redder light. Astronomers have found that most other galaxies are moving away from us.
The farther away they are, the faster they move away. Quasars are galaxies that have the largest red shifts, so they must be very far away. Even the closest quasars are a billion light-years away. When we look at quasars, we are looking back into a time before our Sun was born. Radio telescopes created this image of a huge gas jet erupting from quasar 3C-273. The jet is a million light-years long.
The universe is a big place. We think of Earth as big, but here we see that Earth is just one of nine worlds orbiting the Sun. The known planets orbit the Sun in a region only about 7 billion miles (11 billion kilometers) in diameter. That's just a little over a thousandth of a light-year. Our Sun itself is just one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The nearest star is 4.2 light-years away.
That's thousands of times as far away as the farthest planet in our solar system. The farthest stars in our galaxy are 100,000 light-years away. The Milky Way is but one of many galaxies in our cluster. The Andromeda Galaxy is over 2 million light-years away, but it's our next-door neighbor.
The farthest known quasar is about 12 billion light-years away. In all the universe, there are about 100 billion galaxies, and each galaxy contains about 100 billion stars. Imagine how small our own Earth is in comparison. If we could look at the universe from a great distance and see it all at once, we might think it looked like soap bubbles. Galaxies would be like the soap film making up the bubbles, and the bubbles themselves would be empty and come in different sizes.
The universe is always expanding, growing larger. But suppose we look backward in time. As we go farther and farther back in time, the galaxies move closer and closer together. If we went back in time far enough, all the galaxies would crunch together into a small space. The whole thing must have exploded in a "big bang." The universe is still expanding as a result of that big bang. If we measure how fast the universe is expanding and how long it must have taken to reach its present size, we know that the big bang happened 15 to 20 billion years ago.
Imagine that galaxies are like the raisins in raisin bread dough. The raisins start off fairly close together. If you could stand on one of them as the dough expands, all the other raisins would appear to be moving away from you. As space expands, all the galaxies appear to be moving away from us.
This illustration shows the history of our expanding universe. The bright spot on the left represents the big bang itself. At the time of the big bang, all the matter and energy of the universe was squeezed into one tiny spot. It must have been very hot--trillions of degrees.
But as the universe expanded, it cooled off. There are still hot spots, like the stars, but overall, the universe has become much cooler. The light waves of the vast flash of the big bang stretched and grew longer as the universe cooled. Today, they are very long radio waves.
In 1965, those radio waves were detected. Scientists could hear the last faint whisper of the big bang of long ago. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) a second. If a star is 4.2 light-years from us, like the nearest star, Alpha Centauri (the bluish speck shown below Earth), its light takes 4.2 years to reach us.
Since the Andromeda Galaxy (the spiral shown lower left) is over 2 million light-years from us, its light takes over 2 million years to reach us. The light from the farthest known quasars (upper left) set out 12 to 15 billion years ago. This means that the farther out in space we look, the farther back in time we see.
Stars can explode with incredible violence. When a large star explodes, it becomes a supernova and spreads its material through space. In the big bang, only the simplest atoms, hydrogen and helium, were formed, but supernovas spread more complex atoms. Our Sun formed from a cloud with these more complex atoms. Almost all the atoms of Earth--and in ourselves--were formed in stars that exploded as supernovas long ago.
When a supernova explodes, what is left of it can collapse into a tiny object with gravity so strong that everything falls in, but nothing comes out. This object is called a black hole. There might be a black hole in the center of every galaxy.
The universe may expand forever, or someday its own gravity might slow or even stop it. It might then fall back together in a big crunch. And maybe a new universe will form in a new big bang. Maybe there was a big crunch, or even many big crunches, before the big bang that formed our universe.
We don't know. We're still trying to understand the big bang that created the present universe. That's a big enough puzzle for now.
At night, there were many specks of light in the dome of the sky, and a few of them were brighter than the others and also moved. The ancient Egyptians viewed the sky as the domain of Nut, the sky goddess. According to ancient Greek myths, the god Helios drove a chariot that carried the Sun across the sky.
But later Greeks thought that the Earth was a large sphere at the center of the universe. They thought that the Moon, the Sun, and the planets all circled Earth, and that outside the orbits of these bodies were the sky and the stars.
In a time-exposure of the night sky, star trails seem to wheel across the sky. Small wonder that ancient peoples once thought Earth was the center of the universe. But in 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish philosopher, doctor, and astronomer, showed that it made more sense to suppose that the Sun was at the center and that all the planets moved around it.
In the Copernican system, Earth was just one of the planets and went around the Sun, too. Beyond that were the stars, but they weren't attached to the sky. Later, Edmund Halley found out that the stars moved as well. In 1785, William Herschel showed that most of the stars seen from Earth formed a large collection shaped like a lens. We call this collection the Milky Way Galaxy.
If we could view our Milky Way from the outside, it would look like the great galaxy in Andromeda, seen here without the aid of a telescope. The Milky Way is our galaxy. It is 100,000 light-years across. Each light -year is almost 6 trillion miles (9.5 trillion kilometers) long. There are other galaxies as well. The closest large galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is over 2 million light-years away.
Many other galaxies are scattered through space. There might be a hundred billion in all. In 1842, Christian Doppler explained why anything noisy sounds more shrill when it comes toward you, and sounds deeper when it goes away from you. A similar kind of change, or shift, happens with light. Every star sends out light waves. The light appears bluer if the star is coming toward us, and redder if it is moving away.
When light from a star or galaxy is spread out into a rainbow of color, dark lines show up indicating where light has been absorbed by that star or galaxy. The dark lines in the light of more distant galaxies are shifted toward ever redder light. Astronomers have found that most other galaxies are moving away from us.
The farther away they are, the faster they move away. Quasars are galaxies that have the largest red shifts, so they must be very far away. Even the closest quasars are a billion light-years away. When we look at quasars, we are looking back into a time before our Sun was born. Radio telescopes created this image of a huge gas jet erupting from quasar 3C-273. The jet is a million light-years long.
The universe is a big place. We think of Earth as big, but here we see that Earth is just one of nine worlds orbiting the Sun. The known planets orbit the Sun in a region only about 7 billion miles (11 billion kilometers) in diameter. That's just a little over a thousandth of a light-year. Our Sun itself is just one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The nearest star is 4.2 light-years away.
That's thousands of times as far away as the farthest planet in our solar system. The farthest stars in our galaxy are 100,000 light-years away. The Milky Way is but one of many galaxies in our cluster. The Andromeda Galaxy is over 2 million light-years away, but it's our next-door neighbor.
The farthest known quasar is about 12 billion light-years away. In all the universe, there are about 100 billion galaxies, and each galaxy contains about 100 billion stars. Imagine how small our own Earth is in comparison. If we could look at the universe from a great distance and see it all at once, we might think it looked like soap bubbles. Galaxies would be like the soap film making up the bubbles, and the bubbles themselves would be empty and come in different sizes.
The universe is always expanding, growing larger. But suppose we look backward in time. As we go farther and farther back in time, the galaxies move closer and closer together. If we went back in time far enough, all the galaxies would crunch together into a small space. The whole thing must have exploded in a "big bang." The universe is still expanding as a result of that big bang. If we measure how fast the universe is expanding and how long it must have taken to reach its present size, we know that the big bang happened 15 to 20 billion years ago.
Imagine that galaxies are like the raisins in raisin bread dough. The raisins start off fairly close together. If you could stand on one of them as the dough expands, all the other raisins would appear to be moving away from you. As space expands, all the galaxies appear to be moving away from us.
This illustration shows the history of our expanding universe. The bright spot on the left represents the big bang itself. At the time of the big bang, all the matter and energy of the universe was squeezed into one tiny spot. It must have been very hot--trillions of degrees.
But as the universe expanded, it cooled off. There are still hot spots, like the stars, but overall, the universe has become much cooler. The light waves of the vast flash of the big bang stretched and grew longer as the universe cooled. Today, they are very long radio waves.
In 1965, those radio waves were detected. Scientists could hear the last faint whisper of the big bang of long ago. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) a second. If a star is 4.2 light-years from us, like the nearest star, Alpha Centauri (the bluish speck shown below Earth), its light takes 4.2 years to reach us.
Since the Andromeda Galaxy (the spiral shown lower left) is over 2 million light-years from us, its light takes over 2 million years to reach us. The light from the farthest known quasars (upper left) set out 12 to 15 billion years ago. This means that the farther out in space we look, the farther back in time we see.
Stars can explode with incredible violence. When a large star explodes, it becomes a supernova and spreads its material through space. In the big bang, only the simplest atoms, hydrogen and helium, were formed, but supernovas spread more complex atoms. Our Sun formed from a cloud with these more complex atoms. Almost all the atoms of Earth--and in ourselves--were formed in stars that exploded as supernovas long ago.
When a supernova explodes, what is left of it can collapse into a tiny object with gravity so strong that everything falls in, but nothing comes out. This object is called a black hole. There might be a black hole in the center of every galaxy.
The universe may expand forever, or someday its own gravity might slow or even stop it. It might then fall back together in a big crunch. And maybe a new universe will form in a new big bang. Maybe there was a big crunch, or even many big crunches, before the big bang that formed our universe.
We don't know. We're still trying to understand the big bang that created the present universe. That's a big enough puzzle for now.